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KC Curiosity Passport - Neptune

Box Decommissioned.

Why was it decommissioned?

Alexis has committed to replacing every letterbox once. If the replacement letterbox goes missing, she will find a new landmark to highlight & place a letterbox there instead. The original (then, missing one) will be designated in the Eco-Wall of Curiosities & a new art box will be added to the collection. This is what happened to this box. Sad times.

The Neptune box was #11 of 26 boxes in this series. 


Thanks for joining the fun of The Curiosity Passport! We hope it inspires play and exploration of the KC area. If you haven't already viewed the wacky, wall-full of mini-mosaics, upcycled from used plastic gift cards, at Pawn & Pint & Buttonwood Art Space, these are excellent places to start your journey (not required, but definitely nifty!). Pick up a passport (if you don't already have a logbook) there and follow these clues to find the awesome letterboxes at the locations that inspired those mini-mosaics in real life.


Want to collect all of the Curiosity Passport letterboxes? Check out the KC Curiosity Passport Menu!


Use the photo clues below to look for these landmarks. Then follow the description on each photo to find the letterbox location. After you have found the letterbox, make sure to record your find on


Don't forget to use #KCCuriosityPassport in your posts! 


NOTE: Before you set out you must read and agree to the Waiver of Responsibility and Disclaimer. [from Atlas Quest]

Box Decommissioned

BEWARE! Muggles are everywhere on the Plaza, 24 hours a day. PLEASE be discrete when finding & rehiding. If we are all careful, this letterbox may just live a long & healthy life here, unlike many of its lost friends. 

Photo Clues

Updated 12/17/18 with replacement box.

Box Decommissioned

Box Decommissioned

Thank you for joining in the fun of the Curiosity Passport!

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