Please note: Going forward, the letterboxes on this list will only be replaced at the artist's discretion.
Going forward, the letterboxes on this list will not be replaced if lost. Many of these sites are now included in the MO Explorers Program!The Bronze Edition of the Curiosity Passport will make the maintenance of this popular game more financially & environmentally sustainable, thus also making it more expandable to other locations.
Please note: Going forward, the letterboxes on this list will only be replaced at the artist's discretion.
Going forward, the letterboxes on this list will not be replaced if lost. Many of these sites are now included in the MO Explorers Program!The Bronze Edition of the Curiosity Passport will make the maintenance of this popular game more financially & environmentally sustainable, thus also making it more expandable to other locations.
Thank you letter from the Curiosity Passport Creator
Dear Curious Adventurers,
Thank you for all of your support & sharing your fun times! Your participation & feedback has been priceless!
The Curiosity Passport is a passion project of mine. It allows me to combine so many of my skills and interests all in one project! But let me be very clear - I have NOT done this on my own. There is absolutely no way in the world that I would have tried to tackle this, grow this or morph it into what it is today without the help of many people. Some have been vocal cheerleaders and marketers, some have quietly watched from the sidelines waiting to be enthusiastic participants, some have commissioned pieces from the collection, some have donated space, money, materials, or even driven & walked with me to landmarks just to spend time together. All of these people & more (I wish I had started this list earlier in the process) have made an impact on helping the Curiosity Passport come to life.
Thank you for your positive impact!
--Alexis Webb-Bechtold
Thank you!
Trey Bechtold & our doggies, Winnie & Ivy,
Sallee Webb
Elise Webb & Jefferson Gee
Lauren Weatherly Geier
Traci Angel
Sara Bailey
Heather Collinsworth - Paper Birch Landing / New Element Gallery
Bob Martin with designWerx co-working studio
Melanie, Scott & Violet Gipson
for a multitude of reasons, including fishing me & my things out of a fountain
Kat Ramsey
Brandon Smith
Polly Alice
Megan & Andrew Goggin
Priscilla & Joe Arens
Debbie Maxwell
Gloria Heifner
Jocelyn Ball-Edson
Joanie Shields
Kyle Batson
Melissa Webb
Dale & Rachel Robinson
KCMO Parks & Recreation
City of KCMO
Unified Government of Wyandotte County
Wyandotte County Historical Society Musuem
Lenexa, KS Parks & Recreation
City of Blue Springs, MO
Branch Manager & Staff of MCPL Woodneath Library
Susan Sellmeyer
Joe, Kathryn, AJ & Maggie Gauer
Bryant, Anessa, William & George DeLong
Edward Schmalz - Pawn & Pint
Larissa Uredi
Cassie Moore
Macy Layne - Buttonwood Art Space
Benjamin James
Bonnie Messbarger
Kristina Light - KC Parent & KC Going Places magazines
Northland Lifestyle Magazine
Lynda Allison
Alexa Sundeen Troyer
Julie & David Sundeen
Pearl Bloom
Shannon Kerr
Erin Pagel & JD Martindale
Friends from Jefferson City area (they prefer not to be online much)
Jan Jensen
Kristy & Brad Parker & family
Kristine Fotland